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Turkey tried to block its citizens on Twitter before and we stopped them. We need everyone who signs this petition to share it with their networks so that we can stop Turkey from censoring its own citizens. Share this!
This time the government of Turkey is in negotiations with Swedish censorship company, NetClean, to block content on Twitter. If they buy the program, they could block any Twitter content within seconds of posting.
"Selling censorship software to the government of Turkey will allow for the further suppression of the people of Turkey’s basic rights. The people of Turkey deserve the same free and open Internet as any citizen in Sweden."
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It was recently revealed that the government of Turkey is planning to work with Swedish censorship software company, NetClean, to sweep the Internet for “child sexual abuse” cases. Numerous digital activists in Europe have already signaled the alarm for potential censorship by the Turkish government, due to its aggressive history of censoring it’s own citizens on the Internet. The government of Turkey has already agreed to a 40 million Euro contract for NetClean to filter content on Twitter.
Even though NetClean claims that they are not helping the Turkish government censor or block Twitter, the Swedish company cannot ignore Turkey’s history with censorship. The European Court of Human Rights has repeatedly condemned the government of Turkey for censoring and abusing its own citizens’ basic rights.The Swedish government and NetClean need to realize the danger this negotiation poses for the innocent civilians in Turkey. If NetClean moves forward with sweeping and blocking Twitter in Turkey, the company will be directly responsible for abusing the human rights of the entire Turkish population.
1) EDRi. "Turkish censorship – Swedish built, by royal appointment". Read More
2) Global Voices. "Are Turkey and NetClean Partnering to Stop Child Abuse or Curtail Internet Freedoms?". Read More
3) NetClean. "Working with governments to combat Child Sexual Abuse". Read More
4.) The London School of Economics and Political Science. "Turkey’s relationship with the European Court of Human Rights shows that human rights courts play a vital role, but one that can often be vastly improved." Read More
5.) The Guardian. "Turkey blocks use of Twitter after prime minister attacks social media site". Read More