How to support Chelsea Manning:
UPDATE: Chelsea's case is currently under appeal and she urgently needs donations to cover legal costs. You can support her case financially here.
Chelsea Manning is being held in prison for 35 years for truth-telling. The US government is punishing her for releasing classified information about the US war in Iraq - its condoning of torture, its cover-up of civilian deaths, child abuse by contractor in Afghanistan, and much more - to WikiLeaks, an organization
that she understood would release portions of the information to news
organizations and ultimately to the public.
As her lawyer reiterates in this video, besides supporting her appeal, the most important thing you can do is to keep Chelsea’s case alive and in the public conversation.
You can follow her on twitter @xychelsea or start a mail correspondence - since she has no Internet access, Chelsea depends on her correspondents to keep her up-to-date on breaking news.
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