Urgent: sign this petiton to save the open Internet

Despite massive growing resistance, the FCC just voted to advance rules that could slow down and censor the Internet by allowing ISPs to discriminate when they deliver content. Everyone needs to take action right now.

Don't let Comcast and AT&T control the future of the Internet

"Dear FCC, we need real net neutrality. Protect internet users from monopolistic ISPs and don't let companies censor, slow down, or block websites while requiring other sites to pay for faster service. Please stand up for all Internet users and our right to communicate."

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One more thing,
This is an emergency - We need you to tell your friends

If we get enough people to take action, we can save the Internet!
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On the morning of January 30th, Fight for the Future joined 85 other organizations who delivered over 1 MILLION signatures demanding immediate action to restore net neutrality to the FCC offices in Washington, D.C.

Chairman Tom Wheeler, the head of the FCC, was amazed at the numbers of people who spoke out within the short two-week period. "A million people? That's boffo," he said to the press.

Check out the video to the left (thanks Free Press!), and this article in Mashable. Scroll down for photos.

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Verizon wins. The Internet loses.

On Jan. 14, a federal appeals court decided Verizon vs. FCC in favor of Verizon--not because Verizon was really right, but because the FCC chose the wrong legal framework to use back in 2010.

This is not a very good reason to destroy the open internet.

The good news is, if the FCC immediately reclassifies broadband and puts it under the common carrier legal framework, they could restore their ability to regulate ISPs and protect net neutrality.


1) Free Press, "More Than 1 Million People Call on FCC to Save Net Neutrality" Read more"
2) NPR, "Feds Can't Enforce Net Neutrality: What This Means For You" Read more"
3) Bloomberg Technology, "Verizon's Net Neutrality Victory Means More Fighting to Come" Read more"