Congress: don't put the Internet's future in the hands of slimy lobbyists. No "Fast Track" for the TPP!

The Trans Pacific Partnership has provisions that could destroy good jobs, hurt the environment, and dramatically restrict the Internet. If Congress passes "Fast Track" for the TPP, lobbyists from industries that hate the open Internet will be running the show. We can't let this happen.

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So what's in the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

Despite being negotiated in near total secrecy, some TPP texts have leaked. From the drafts we've seen, we know that if Congress passes Fast Track and and railroads the TPP, it will:

  • Undermine democratic process by allowing corporations to sue governments in secretive international tribunals1

  • Restrict, police, and censor the Internet, stifling free speech and innovation2

  • Radically decrease access to affordable medicine3

  • Circumvent protections for workers and the environment4

  • Expand economic inequality5

  • Prevent corporations from properly labeling genetically modified food6


The U.S. Senate just introduced Fast Track legislation to ram through the TPP.

Read the text of TPA-2014 for yourself here, and call Congress like crazy.

Who opposes "Fast Track" legislation?

In a word, everyone. Democrats, Republicans, tech companies, unions, libertarians, environmentalists, and Internet freedom advocates all oppose Fast Tracking the TPP. It's common sense: decisions that affect everyone shouldn't be made in secret without public input.

Below are blog posts and articles from many organizations who are rallying against Fast Track for the TPP. Read up, share, and get all the facts about what the Trans-Pacific Partnership means for you.

Much respect to Rainforest Action Network for the photo source.